[Patch Notes] v3.2.0

23 July 2024

Here is the patch rundown for v3.2.0.


  • Reduced the number of nefarious medallions received for level 120 and old 130 gear.
  • Brightest Crystal no longer drops from the previous set of 130 dungeons but now drops from the new ones.
  • The fastest team's party leader will now have a statue of themselves spawned in Flaris for the following dungeons: Redford Keep, Breccia Cave Spire, and Sraeder Citadel.
  • Fury Potion can now be crafted again.
  • Decreased the size of the Giant Bucrow in Pantheon Continent.
  • Increased the guaranteed loot points received from Catacombs of Anguish, The Wilds, and Cursed Aminus.
  • Catacombs of Anguish, The Wilds, and Cursed Aminus now drop special boxes.
  • The Legionair skill Gravity Pull will no longer affect bosses.
  • Prison Servants are no longer aggressive monsters and will not attack unless provoked.
  • All bosses in Dark Magic Prison have a chance to drop Essence of Sunlight; Zirader has an increased drop rate for this item.
  • Adjusted the bead requirements for Red Beads.
  • Added Sacred Bead of Iblis.


New Dungeons and Equipment

New Dungeons

Three new dungeons have been added, offering challenging content and valuable rewards:

Redford Keep

New Armor Sets Tier: Corpsemaker Sets


Breccia Cave Spire

New Jewelry Sets Tier: STR/DEX/INT


Sraeder Citadel

New Weapon Tier: Corpsemaker Weapons



Dragonforged Upgrading System

Weapons and Armor Sets

  • Upgrading: These items can be upgraded to +10 using the usual method you are familiar with.
  • Conversion: Once upgraded to +10, they can be converted to Dragonforged by talking to Augustus in Flarine.

Jewelry Pieces

  • Dragonforged Status: Jewelry pieces benefit from the Dragonforged Status upon acquisition.

Dragonforged Items

  • Upgrading Materials: Use a different set of upgrading materials than General and Ultimate Items.
  • Rerollable Lines: Grant 2 rerollable lines obtained at +6 and +10 (+11 and +20 for jewelry pieces). These lines provide small amounts of random stats and can be rerolled by using a Dragon Serum.

Dungeon Access

  • Location: Entrances to each dungeon are in the Pantheon Continent.
  • Teleportation: Use the Teleporter (V) to teleport there.
  • Daily Entry: Each player can enter each dungeon up to 3 times daily.

Gear up and dive into these new dungeons to obtain the powerful Corpsemaker equipment and enhance your character with the new Dragonforged items!


New Upgrading Materials

New upgrading materials for Dragonforged items have been added! Here is a list of their functionality and where to obtain them:

  • Ethereal Dragonscale Powder
    • Used for upgrading Dragonforged weapons and converting weapons to Dragonforged.
    • Can be obtained via purchase at Carnelia.
  • Ethereal Stone
    • Used for upgrading Dragonforged weapons and converting weapons to Dragonforged.
    • Can be obtained by defeating Nexus monsters and Raid monsters; Prison Servants, Zagdon, Penumbra and Dead from Etherworld.
  • Celestial Dragonscale Powder
    • Used for upgrading Dragonforged armor pieces and converting armor pieces to Dragonforged.
    • Can be obtained via purchase at Carnelia.
  • Celestial Stone
    • Used for upgrading Dragonforged armor pieces and converting armor pieces to Dragonforged.
    • Can be obtained by defeating Nexus monsters and Raid monsters; Prison Servants, Zagdon, Penumbra and Dead from Etherworld.
  • Arcane Dragonscale Powder
    • Used for upgrading Dragonforged jewelry pieces.
    • Can be obtained via purchase at Carnelia.
  • Arcane Stone
    • Used for upgrading Dragonforged jewelry pieces.
    • Can be obtained by defeating Nexus monsters and Raid monsters; Prison Servants, Zagdon, Penumbra and Dead from Etherworld.
  • Dragonforged Scroll
    • Used to convert a +10 weapon or armor piece into a Dragonforged gear piece.
    • Can be obtained from the new set of dungeons or Heroes Sanctum.
  • Dragon Stone
    • Used as a jewel to slot into Dragonforged weapons of +6 to +10.
    • Can be purchased at the Orbs of the Huntsman store.
  • Reverse Enigma Codex
    • Used to remove a slotted Dragon Stone from a weapon.
    • Can be purchased at the Mythical Fae Merchant store.


Cash Shop

  • New obtainable items in Treasure Chests:
    • Fomortis Pet in Treasure Chest of Glamour 02.
    • Dark Tomb Watcher Mount in Treasure Chest of Glamour 14.


Please note that these exclusive items will only be available until Monday, July 22nd, at 00:01 server time.
Make sure to take advantage of them while you can!


Additional Information

We have exciting updates and overhauls planned for various aspects of the game:

Raid and Secret Room Overhaul

  • We're revamping the balance of raids and secret rooms to enhance gameplay and challenge.

Guild Clash Revamp

  • The Guild Clash system is undergoing a complete overhaul to introduce new mechanics and improve overall gameplay experience.

PvP Balance Update

  • In our next patch, we'll be addressing PvP balance to ensure fair and engaging combat experiences for all players.

Stay tuned for these updates as we continue to improve and refine the game!