[Patch Notes] v1.3.3

01 June 2023

Here is the patch rundown for v1.3.3.


  • The Statues in Northern Flaris are now linked to Nightmare Mode instead of Hard Mode.
  • Giants in the Pantheon Continent now have improved drops to be on-par with AoE monsters.
  • Spirits have been added to the Switch Equipment system.
  • Easy Mode no longer drops items of Legendary rarity.
  • The drop rate of items in Easy Mode has been increased.
  • The new dragon mounts now have a movement speed of 650 instead of 550.
  • Scroll of Superior Awakening has been added to the Temple of Catan.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some visual bugs in the Pantheon Continent.
  • Removed a random death zone in the Pantheon Continent.
  • Corrected an issue where players would not get Contribution from completing Faction Daily Quests if they did not pick a Hero Grade before it was removed.

Donor Store

  • The new dragon mounts have been moved from the Novastar / Double Star / Constellation / Magnitude / Ablation Keys to the Dragonborn Key.
    • The Dragonborn Key's only rare loot is the dragon mounts. 
    • It is active until 04/06/2023 at 23:59 server time.
  • A 50% sale has started on the Bypass Scroll. It is active until 04/06/2023 at 23:59 server time.