[Patch Notes] v1.2.5

31 March 2023

Here is the patch rundown for v1.2.5.


Season Pass



Ghost's first Season Pass has been added! Players can purchase it via the Donor Store to start. Its contents are the following:

  • Complete up to 24 missions one by one, and receive rewards for each completed mission.
  • Once the Season Pass has been completed, players are able to purchase a new one in order to start over.
  • Players wanting to skip a mission can use a Bypass Scroll, which will instantly complete their current mission and grant them the corresponding rewards.
  • The current season will last until 21/06/2023. Make sure to complete your Season Pass before then, as all Season Passes will be removed once the season ends.
    • Please note a new Season Pass will be introduced shortly after the end of the current season.


  • It is now possible to craft Fury and Power Potions.
  • The price of T1 Statted Items has been reduced from 500 to 170 Orbs of the Huntsman.
  • The following items have been removed from the Contribution Store:
    • Personal House Furniture
    • Magical Gem of Rarity Re-Roll
  • Overall we have made crafting T2 easier as this prevents a lot of new players from playing and scares them to catch up. This includes the following changes:
    • The following items have been added to the Contribution Store (1000 Contribution Points each):
      • Forseti Crystal
      • Rabisu Crystal
      • Gekasso Crystal
    • The price of the following items has been reduced from 100 to 10 Nefarious Medallions:
      • Star Fire
      • Frozen Cube
      • Scorching Wind Shard
    • The Astral Powder cost for crafting T2 Statted Items has been reduced from 1000 to 250.
  • The price of Explorer Crystal has been reduced from 1500 to 420 Blue Chips.
  • Masterwork Key has been removed from the Blue Chip Store.
  • Corrected the area around Jingilga, which should prevent him from entering invisible walls.
  • Anathema and Zadkiel will no longer be spawning in Hero Grade areas.
    • Please note Spiral Gust and Astral Powder are now obtainable via the GM Event Shop.
  • All Gaia Cloaks have been converted into FWC Bronze Cloaks.
  • All Taeguk Cloaks have been converted into Lord Cloaks.
  • Recips for a new Cloak and Mask have been added to the Crafting Menu.
  • Items have been added to [Event Token Merchant] Rampston.

Donor Store

  • Masterwork Key has been removed from the Donor Store.
  • The following items have been added to the Donor Store:
    • Season Pass
    • Bypass Scroll

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected an issue wherein players would not be able to activate a Monarchy if its total duration was over 168 hours.

Additional Information

  • We will be removing Heroes Passes from the game with our next patch, please make sure to use them by then.