[Patch Notes] v1.2.2

27 February 2023

Here is the patch rundown for v1.2.2.


  • The algorithm for Contribution Score obtained by participating in taking over a Crownstone Extractor has been updated to the following:
    • When the PK Phase ends:
      • The members of the faction owning the Crownstone Extractor will gain full Contribution for their efforts.
      • The members of the opposite faction will only gain half of the Contribution.
  • The rewards for the Twisted Lands have been updated:
    • Completing Waves no longer grant Shards to the participants.
    • Participants will now obtain the following upon completing waves:
      • A certain amount of Penyas depending on the wave. This can be increased by the Penya Rate stat.
        • The amount has been adjusted in order to help the economy recover. Please note that the Twisted Lands are still better than Mission or Hillid Mountains farming in terms of Penya output.
      • Blessings of the Shadows, which can be used to bless Masks, Brooches, and Relics.
  • The following mounts now have special visual effects:
    • Infernal Plum Griffin
    • Heavenly Silver Griffin
    • Mystical Night Griffin
    • All versions of Hero's Luxurious Carriage
  • A Lottery system has been added to Ghost FlyFF! Here are the details:
    • Players may access the Lottery Window from Start->Custom Content.
    • From here, they can view a list of items they can purchase Lottery Tickets for. Please note players can buy as many Lottery Tickets as they like, in order to increase their odds of winning.
    • Every Monday at 00:00 (server time), a random Lottery Ticket will be pulled for each of the items in the list. The item will be sent via mail to the winning player.
    • Once the winners are determined, it will no longer be possible to purchase Lottery Tickets. An administrator will log in as soon as possible in order to update the lottery rewards, which will allow players to purchase tickets for the next Lottery Cycle. An in-game announcement will be sent whenever this happens!
  • The following dungeons will now always drop a piece of equipment:
    • Volcano
    • Catacombs of Anguish
    • Cursed Aminus
  • The Attack of all monsters in the following dungeons has been reduced:
    • Volcano
    • Catacombs of Anguish
    • Cursed Aminus
  • The following dungeons have seen their drop rates increased in Easy Mode:
    • Ankou's Asylum
    • Kalgas Cave
    • Hollowvale Forest
    • Terrenrial
  • The schedule for the Ghost Nexus has been updated:
    • The Ghost Nexus starting at 00:00 will now start at 00:30.

Donor Store

  • The following items have been added to the Donor Store:
    • Double Star Key
    • Constellation Key

Additional Information

  • PvP will be rebalanced with the new equipment in mind with a patch during the upcoming week.
    • Equipment in Equalised gamemodes will be updated accordingly.
    • We will be adding the Bloody Sets (Defensive PvP Sets) to the game, as well as a way for players to convert their existing gear to this.
  • The website's voting restrictions have been updated.