[Announcement] Dev Log #3 - January 2023

30 January 2023

Hello dear players, welcome to our third dev log!



Today, we will be talking about GhostFlyFF's upcoming Faction System, which reunites PvE and PvP gameplay in order for a new kind of cooperation experience to take place!

Before we get into it, we would like to remind everyone that what follows is development footage and images. As such, this work is not finished and may not be accurate to what will be released on the live servers.



Short Presentation

Most players are familiar with the Hero Grade System. Based on the Hero Grade Path you have chosen, you will automatically be assigned to a faction. The players having chosen the Path of Light will join the Faction of the Silverlight Celestials, while the players having chosen the Path of Darkness will join the Faction of the Shadowfall Tempests. Of course, using a Scroll of the Renegade to switch your path will also assign you to the matching Faction.

The Factions expansions will implement new content and concepts. Here is a short, non-exhaustive list:

  • A new large map where faction activities will take place, containing a hub for each faction
  • Three new dungeons
  • New Daily Quests
  • New World Bosses
  • A new capture mechanic
  • Player Killing between Factions under certain circumstances
  • And more!

Please read ahead for more details on each of these points.



Detailed Presentation

The Arcadia Domain

The biggest part of the faction activity will take place inside of the Arcadia Domain. This large map contains several different environments, in which various activities will take place. Hero Grade Rank A-1 is required in order to enter.

Inside of the Arcadia Domain, PK will be enabled between Factions for 30 minutes every 2 hours. During this time, the Silverlight Celestials can freely kill the Shadowfall Tempests, and vice versa.

By participating in activities inside of this area, players will be able to Contribute to their Faction. This allows the Faction to gain Crownstones, and the contributing player to gain Contribution Points. These are explained in another point of this dev log.

Faction Hubs

Two Faction Hubs can be found within the Arcadia Domain, inside of which several NPCs can be found, providing various services. Players will be joining their own Faction's Hub upon entering the Arcadia Domain, and they also act as a Respawn point.

Additionally, players cannot enter the opposite Faction's Hub. This means they are also acting as Safe Zones when PK is enabled within the Arcadia Domain.


Faction Dungeons and new equipment

Three new dungeons will be added with the expansion, which are common to both Factions. In these dungeons, players can obtain the following, from the new tier of equipment:

  • New Weapons
  • New Armor Sets
  • New Jewellery Sets

Participating in Faction Dungeons will allow players to Contribute to their Faction.
Please note, however, that it is only possible to join these Dungeons with other members of the same Faction.


Daily Quests

The NPCs located in the Faction Hubs require the players' help! Accept their various Daily Quests, and go hunt!
Players will be able to defeat various kinds of ferocious new monsters, which can be found around the Arcadia Domain.

By completing these Quests, it is possible to obtain rewards and to Contribute to your assigned Faction. Completing these quests while Player Killing is enabled will grant increased rewards.


World Bosses

On top of the previously shown new monsters, two new World Bosses can be found within the Arcadia Domain! Each of them spawns closer to one of the Faction's Hub, and can only be attacked by said Faction.

These World Bosses, however, possess a Special Aura. Within a 50-meter radius around them, Player Killing is enabled, regardless of the PK status within the Arcadia Domain.

Defeating the Arcadia Domain World Bosses will reward each participant with items, as well as Contribution Points, and Crownstones for their Faction.

Crownstone Extractors

Six Crownstone Extractors can be found in the Arcadia Domain. These allow each Faction to automatically gain Crownstones every hour, based on certain factors.

Each Crownstone Extractor starts with a Score of 0, and this Score can go down to -500 and up to 500 depending on the circumstances below:

  • Within a 45-meter radius around them, if PK is enabled:
    • If one or more players of the Silverlight Celestials is present and alive, but no Shadowfall Tempests are, the score will go up by 1 every second.
    • If one or more players of the Shadowfall Tempests is present and alive, but no Silverlight Celestials are, score will go down by 1 every second.
    • Players will gain Contribution based on several factors if they participate in taking over a Crownstone Extractor.

Every full hour (each time the minutes clock strikes 0), the following calculation will be ran for each Crownstone Extractor:

  • If the score is higher than 0, the Silverlight Celestials will gain Crownstones based on the difference.
  • If the score is lower than 0, the Shadowfall Tempests will gain Crownstones based on the difference.


Seasons and Faction Exarches

Every 21 days, at 00:00 server time, a new Faction Season will begin. Once this happens, the following events will happen based on the previous season's results.

The previous season's Crownstones and Contribution Points will be converted into currency that can be spent over the duration of the new season.

The players belonging to the Faction with the most Crownstones will gain a buff for the entire duration of the new season. They need to have contributed a significant enough amount to the winning Faction in order to obtain it.

The player with the most Contribution Points of each Faction will be crowned the Faction's Exarch. Faction Exarches are able to spend the previous season's Crownstones in order to activate various Buffs for their fellow Faction members.

All players will be able to spend their hardly earned Contribution Points from the previous season to purchase items from the Faction Shop.


The Faction Window

Finally, players can find information pertaining to Factions within the Faction Window. Here is a picture of it!



Don't forget that this is just a sample of what's coming. As with everything, to know all of the information about these features, you will have to wait for the patch and check it out in-game!
This concludes our Dev Log #3. Thank you for reading thus far, and thank you for playing Ghost FlyFF.

Goodbye for now!